Parson's Beach

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Parson's Beach

Image of Parson's Beach
Where the sky touches the sea.

More information about Parson's Beach.

Parsons Beach starts at the coastal town of the same name and runs all the way down the coast, just short drive from Hardwicke Bay. The weather is mostly onshore from the west, leading to beautiful white sand and backed with sand dunes. This coastline is relatively untouched. Parsons Beach is majoritively sand with a few rocky outcrops into the water. The beach offers a little of everything.

The beach is approximately 14km long and gently bumps in and out along the sand dunes to its rear. A fantastic beach for swimming, fishing, and snorkeling with the opportunity for scallops and abalone. Children can also play and explore in the rock pools that litter the coastline.

Because of its relative untouched nature, environmental groups have taken a strong interest in this part of the state spend time documenting the local bird and animal life and revegetating the area. 4WD access to the sand dunes that run along the beach have been prevented.

You can however drive along the beach for almost its entirety. The Beach becomes rocky as it approaches Minlacowie with no way though. You will have to travel back along the beach to the only entrance at Parsons Beach Township to exit.

History about Parson's Beach.

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Swimming Beach

4WD Access

Alternate names for Parson's Beach.

Minlacowie Beach

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Surf Report.

There is no surf at this beach.

What3Words Locations.

Parsons Beach Entrance

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Accommodation near Parson's Beach.

    Unknown - If you know of a spot please let us know.

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